The Nut Guide
Author: Professional Whey Date Posted:3 July 2013
Many many eons ago people thought fats made you fat, similar to how people applied the logic that the world was flat and if you walked far enough you would fall off the end of the earth. Well not quite that kind of exteme logic, but you get where we're going with this.
Well with a little more education we now understand that we really need to consume fat in our diet for our health, immunity and these little things called hormones which have a major impact on our physical and emotional well being. Plus consuming does help in keeping body fat low.
Well with that said one of the best sources of fats is nuts. They are amazing nutrient dense Wholefoods, full of healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However knowing which nuts to choose can be a little confusing. So here is The Ultimate Guide To Nuts to give you the info you need to make good choices.