Hydrolysed Protein

Hydrolysed protein has been broken down into smaller protein chains so that your body can absorb the protein quicker. With shorter chain proteins the body does not need to spend as much time breaking down the longer chain structures and ultimately this means that your muscles get the protein they need, delivered to them faster. Hydrolysed protein is an especially good choice as a post workout nutrition option. 

We have a variety of hydrolysed options so whether you choose go with the Hydrolysed WPI (NZ), Hydrolysed Casein (NZ) or PeptoPro® (Germany) they will help to power your performance and take your training to the next level.

4 out of 5 stars from 20 reviews
  • Increased Recovery Times
  • Increased Protein Synthesis
  • Gains in Lean Muscle Mass
Bulk Buy Discounts
2+ @ $77.00
3+ @ $75.00
4+ @ $73.00
5+ @ $71.00
5 out of 5 stars from 9 reviews
  • No.1 Recovery Protein in the World
  • Lowest Molecular Weight Protein
  • Accelerates Muscle Recovery
  • Helps Enhance Endurance
  • Increases Time to Fatigue During Exercise
  • Helps to Increase Physical Performance
Bulk Buy Discounts
2+ @ $98.00
3+ @ $96.00
4+ @ $95.00
5+ @ $94.00
10+ @ $93.00
15+ @ $92.00
5 out of 5 stars from 17 reviews
  • Increased Recovery Times
  • Increased Protein Synthesis
  • Gains in Lean Muscle Mass
Bulk Buy Discounts
2+ @ $72.00
3+ @ $70.00
4+ @ $68.00
5+ @ $66.00