Amanda Allen: 2013 CrossFit Games Masters World Champion
Author: Professional Whey Date Posted:13 August 2013

In our previous 3 part interview with Professional Whey Ambassador Amanda Allen, she laid out her training, diet, supplements and mindset in her bid to win the 2013 Masters World Female CrossFit Games in LA. Well, Amanda arrived home last week with the Gold Medal around her neck and a smile on her face from ear to ear. We got to catch up with her to get some of the finer details on her successful trip to the USA and share in some of her glory.
Amanda, congratulations on Winning the CrossFit Games Masters (40-44). You are now the fittest over 40's woman on the planet. What does that result mean to you? Thank you thank you thank you! Winning any World Title is a privilege, but to me, winning a CrossFit World Title is indescribably exciting, more than I could hope for! CrossFit is a sport and lifestyle that I am so passionate about, it defines so much of what I cherish and believe, performance, humility, excitement, variety, community, integrity, overcoming, self-discovery, personal growth, strength and facing fear head-on, every day! So to have won a world title in such an incredible sport; the first person in Australia to win a world title; the first person in this age is an absolute honour and a joy! It is also a confirmation to those who have supported me through this journey so far; sponsors, friends, family! It's my gift to them too! This also means time to relax, reflect on the past 2 years, bask in the glory briefly and then get back to the drawing board and a blank canvas for my 2014 journey!
What was going on inside your mind and body during each of the 6 events? It's a tough question actually, because once I am in the thick of competition it's like being on the silent razors edge. I am so focused, uncomfortable and aware of nothing and everything at every moment. I guess I'm in the zone. I am utterly consumed by the next rep, the next breath, holding my effort on the edge of my limits. Added to that I am intermittently aware of whichever competitor is closest to me. I might listen out or look for their rep count to gauge my position in relation to them - with this information I plan to hold or extend my lead or close the gap between us if I can. I always feel patient and driven. I always trust I am giving 200% of my capacity, and that allows me to simply perform to my best and accept the outcome. I love the crowds cheering and supporting me and the other competitors, so I will often interact by raising an arm or smiling to the spectators, this lifts me up and reminds me how much fun I am having! I love it! People say I look relaxed, calm, like I'm doing it easy when I compete; I do aim to be relaxed, I do aim to remain calm, but I am never doing it easy; nothing in CrossFit is achieved easily! But to perform my best I must be strong and relaxed; I've always thought of it as finding the balance between effort and grace in the heat of battle! That's where the miracles happen.
Do you have a word or mantra that you say to yourself when you’re competing? I often talk to myself in moments of competition. It's simple really...I'll tell myself out loud 'ok, lets go' or 'alright, come on' or 'alright, let's go'; I also find just counting my reps to be a pure meditation and then there is the swearing which comes from a primitive place inside of me and seems to have a powerful place in my workouts - and training too! I won't elaborate here - needless to say i can hold my own, this aspect of me has only evolved as I have evolved into CrossFit, I find it empowering and fun, it often makes me laugh and fires me up! What have your learned from training and competing in the CrossFit Games Masters? I've learned to keep turning up, to keep chipping away no matter what. I've learned also that it doesn't matter where you do your WOD, the passion for CrossFit never changes, the reasons and motivations remain the same! I guess the significant difference with competing at the Games is that I get to share and celebrate my successes with tens of thousands if not millions of people rather than just the few who might be kicking around at the box (gym) when I do my workouts back home, incognito! I've discovered that I love this aspect of big competitions, it brings the very best out in me! What does the future hold for you going into 2014? My goals remain unchanged! I am committed to making it back to the Games as an individual athlete, competing in the main stadium for $275,000 and for the pure love of the sport!
I'm going to make a few changes this year, improvements based on my 2 years of experiences and growth in CrossFit. Change invariably carries an element of risk, but I trust myself and I'm not one to shy away from taking risks! So it will be an exciting year! I can't wait to see it all unfold! It is going to be hard work and a whole lot of fun and I feel very, very ready!
Well Amanda, you are truly one of Australia's finest athletes and on behalf of the Professional Whey community we are excited to see the next 12 months unfold and will be behind you all the way. Go Well! Follow Amanda on Facebook